Sunday, February 5, 2012

My very first blog!

Well here it very first blog.  This is a little odd typing and wondering if anyone will catch this blog and read it.  Let me tell you a little bit about myself first.  My name is Angie and i'm married to my wonderful hubby Danny.  We live in the northwestern Chicago land area in a cute house with our dog Gizmo.  It's a little different for me to live in an area that is so close to restauraunts, shops, and well pretty much everything you can imagine.  I grew up in a town that had pretty much....well very little to offer.  A quaint town with a tiny population, the nearest grocery store that was 20 minutes away, the closest mall a good solid 45 mins to an hour, and well you can pretty much imagine there wasn't much going on.  When I would look out to my bedroom window and I would see a corn field.  Thinking in my teenage years that this is so "un cool".  Well, now that I think back on it, I realize how much I miss that and took it for granted.  Nothing like being out in the country.  This is coming out of the mouth of the farmers daughter!  I want to start this blog to share my passion and love of food...not just eating it, but baking, cooking, couponing.....and getting back to the basics, like gardening!  This is a new hobby that i've taken up a few years ago, and i'm discovering that I perhaps have somewhat of a green thumb!  Also to throw a little bit of my decor and style in there :)  So here it goes......if you would like to read on, please read up on my blog, "Everything Delicious and Domesticated"

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