Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Pottery Barn inspired mirror.....

So, I've been looking at pottery barn catalogs and their website lately and there is one thing that I really want.....It's one of their mirrors.  Ballard designs also has something similar but with a $700+ price tag, I knew it wouldn't be possible to buy.  So I put my thoughts together and did some research online and I figured if there is a will, there is a way!  And so I went off to the dollar store, purchased many of their mirrors a few cans of spray paint and some white and black craft paint I had on hand.  So I took the mirror apart from their frames very carefully (they are cheap and fragile) spray painted them white and once they all dried I put the mirrors back together.  I then laid them on the ground in the manner I would like to see them as one piece hanging on the wall and took measurements of what sort of plywood or sheet wood I would need to hold it all together as one big piece.  Off to home depot me and my husband went and had them cut down the wood to size that we needed.  I painted the board white so that it would all blend into one nice looking piece.  We then started gluing them onto the wooden board and let it dry for 2 days.  After it dried I stood the mirror against the wall and started distressing.  For this I took a paper plate and put a little black, and a little white on opposite sides of the plate.  Cut up a sponge into a small cube and used a bbq kabob skewer to hold it.  Dipped the sponge in the black and lightly brushed onto the corners of the mirror and creases and then lightly went over the black with a bit of white.  There you have it, I figured out a way to make a 700 dollar mirror for about $40 total.  It is now a wonderful piece in my foyer and I am so happy with it!

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